Friday, September 24, 2010

Comin' Up Roses

One of the things I love best about Long Beach is the landscaping on the center medians along Park Avenue. It was one of the first things I noticed when we first arrived in LB 21 years ago. We came here from Brighton Beach in Brooklyn (once beach people, always beach people - we met on Fire Island), so you get the picture. My regular route home from the city back then was the Gowanus Expressway, perhaps the ugliest, filthiest road in North America (followed closely by the Van Wyck). When we moved to Long Beach, I began traveling the Loop Parkway to my new office in Woodbury, and I remember, like it was yesterday, driving home on the Loop, heading into the sunset and listening to Springstein on the radio, thinking: this is why we moved here.

That's how the landscaping on Park Avenue makes me feel. It just makes me happy that we all think it's important enough to preserve the line item in the city budget in order to beautify our community. It just makes me smile every time I see it. It sure beats hell out of the Gowanus!

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