Friday, February 10, 2012

Grow Up Already

I am so tired of the pass-the-blame finger-pointing that passes for leadership in Long Beach. Today it's Jim Hennessey's turn (see his letter in this week's LB Herald - not available on the publication's website, as of this posting).

For the record: the Democratic City Council may have declared a fiscal emergency.  But it was the independent auditor hired by the previous (Republican) administration whom the Wall Street Journal says "described a slow-moving tsunami of deficits." And it was Moody’s Investors Service who downgraded Long Beach’s $48.3 million general obligation debt to its lowest investment grade.

It's time to face facts, no matter which party is in control. We have a problem, and it's going to take talented management, steely resolve and extreme optimism to solve it. Let's hope our current City Council and City Manager have what it takes.

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