Sunday, October 3, 2010

Wrong Way Street

We live on a one-way, east-west corridor. Theoretically, that should make traffic a little less treacherous than on a two-way thoroughfare. But the theory goes out the window every time a north-south driver turns onto  our block the wrong way, which happens more frequently than you might think... and not only after the West End lets out for the evening (or should I say, morning?) on Fridays and Saturdays. I can't even tell you how many times my husband has chased a wrong-way driver literally up the middle of the road to set him/her straight. 

When the kids on the block were little, we all chipped in for those neon plastic figurines that you put out on the curb to warn drivers about children playing. These little guys became something of a theme for our block, and one neighbor family even came dressed as the neons one year at a Halloween party (hint: spray paint your disposable hazmat suit). Unfortunately, our neons had a short lifespan, as they were soon stolen.

If these temporary warning posts didn't do the trick, a more permanent solution might. Our standard-issue "one way" intersection signs should have a "wrong way" plaque posted underneath, like the more fortunate corner Cupcake and I routinely pass during our neighborhood constitutional. Dollars to donuts that the people on that street have far fewer wrong-wayers barreling down their block than we do.

For another thing, drivers should simply slow down, look both ways and read the subtle signals, even if they can't read the signs. If the parked cars are all pointed in the same direction on both sides of the street, IT IS A CLUE that traffic only goes one way. If you can't figure that much out, you should be sleeping it off safely at home, not operating a motor vehicle.

And, for the record, if you suddenly discover that you're headed the wrong way down a one way street, do us all a favor: stop, pull into the next driveway, and turn around!

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